Coles to bin Zoo after employee complaints - will Woolworths do the right thing and #binzoomag?

"Other young women in my work force will no longer have to put up with selling a magazine that promotes rape culture"

A petition calling on supermarkets Coles and Woolworths to stop selling 'lads mag' Zoo Weekly has resulted in Coles agreeing to discontinue the misogynistic, all-ages porn mag. 

coles_win.jpgThe petition, started by Collective Shout supporter Laura Pintur, argued that the magazine normalised harmful attitudes towards women and has no place in supermarkets that pride themselves on 'corporate responsibility' and 'supporting communities.' 

Sexual objectification of women is Zoo Weekly's core business. The publication contains highly sexualised images of women along with headlines and articles discussing their body parts. Readers are shown where to access more explicit content on its website and social media, along with ads for phone sex lines and adult shops. 

Despite the pornographic content, there are no age restrictions on this magazine.  Zoo's website says "We reach readers from their teens all the way to their 40s, because we know them better than anyone else" and describes itself to potential advertisers as "The best way to reach men aged 16-40"

Recent market data provided by Zoo shows that 36,000 boys aged 14-17 are among its readership.

As Laura Pintur said when she wrote about the petition for the Daily Mail,  

'What chance does the younger generation have when they are being fed a diet of soft porn and the abuse, sexualisation, and objectification of women has become so normalised?'

The petition has reached over 38,000 signatures, but Coles and Woolworths have continued to ignore the issue. 

Until now

Young Coles employee Shannen had long felt the injustice of being required to handle and sell a magazine that promotes women's subjugation and sexual objectification. Shannen signed the petition and was then inspired to take things further. She submitted an official complaint to Coles. 

Coles has informed Shannen that the magazine will be discontinued.  

colesemployee1.jpg"As a Coles employee, selling a magazine that celebrates the objectification of women made me feel deeply uncomfortable. The sale of Zoo magazine in my workplace creates a hostile working environment because it condones the purchase of a magazine that eroticises female subjugation and vulnerability. 
About two months ago I began the process of lodging a grievance with my union, the SDA, and my store manager regarding the sale of Zoo in Coles. I was motivated to pursue this complaint because I had signed the Collective Shout petition and thought that the timing was appropriate to lodge such a grievance.

Given the impressive support base for this petition, I gained confidence with the knowledge that thousands of people were behind me and it was only a matter of time before Coles succumbed to these pressures. 
Knowing that Coles is discontinuing Zoo magazine makes me feel relieved, for myself, and also for other young women in my workforce who no longer have to put up with selling a magazine that promotes rape culture." 

Win! Thank you Shannen for taking a stand.

Thanks to Coles for supporting your employees and taking an important step towards a safer community for women and girls. 

What about Woolworths? Take Action!


Share the petition - urge Woolworths to do the right thing and #binzoomag

Woolworths - tips for coercing girls into sex have no place in a 'family store' #binzoomag

Collective Shout's Melinda Liszewski told Buzzfeed that Woolworths had issued a statement saying they had no plans to discontinue the mag:

“We are calling on them to rethink this decision and ask how selling an all-ages porn mag that promotes sexist attitudes towards women could possibly line up with their corporate philosophy of ‘doing the right thing.’”

“Woolworths has a great opportunity before them to take a stand against sexism and the sexual exploitation of women and girls.”

“They should pull the mag from shelves immediately.”

Contact Woolworths



Email: Submit through Woolworths website

Do you work for Woolworths? If you're an employee of Woolworths and would like to get in touch with us click here.

Further reading on the history of Zoo Weekly - click here.



Activist group claims victory after Coles withdraws lads mag Zoo Weekly from shelves


After An Online Petition, This “Lads Magazine” Will No Longer Be On Some Supermarket Shelves


Lads' magazine Zoo Weekly pulled from supermarket shelves after campaign


Coles set to bin Zoo Weekly after staff complaint and online campaign


Coles withdraws lads' mag Zoo Weekly from sale after staff complaint and online campaign

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Showing 6 reactions
  • Gayle Moss
    commented 2015-09-13 10:24:12 +1000
    Hi Laura Pintur. Thanks for speaking up about this. I am very grateful for your courage, and action on this issue. I would love to see the campaign expanded to include IGA and Foodworks supermarkets (as they are my local ones), and then letters sent out to independent newsagency owners. I know many of these independent stores are owned by family people, and they are probably not aware of the content of the disgusting Zoo Magazine, and I am sure many other ’men’s magazines’. Would this plan of action be possible?
    Thanks, Gayle
  • Melinda Liszewski
    commented 2015-09-09 16:37:08 +1000
    PS. thanks for giving us the opportunity to follow them up about this. I’ve also sent a message to them about a different Coles store with the same edition on display. Hopefully they will follow up with that one too.
  • Melinda Liszewski
    commented 2015-09-09 16:35:13 +1000
    Hi Rick,
    We sent a message to Coles and they replied to say they have now removed it from shelves.
    Let us know if you find they’re still selling it.
  • Melinda Liszewski
    commented 2015-09-09 12:39:12 +1000
    Thank you very much Rick. We’ve had some contact with Coles over twitter, I’ll send this image to them now.
  • Rick Myles
    commented 2015-09-08 17:48:48 +1000
    They haven’t done any such thing. I just took a photo of where Wyong Coles, on the Central Coast of New South Wales, have decided to place their Zoo magazine; at eye level for a 5yo child and right next to the toy section! Have a look!
    This was taken just after 5pm, 8th September 2015.
    Are we going to allow this? No. Will we be lied to again? No. We want Coles to bin this NOW!
  • Susie Willcocks
    commented 2015-08-21 17:24:16 +1000
    Well done – it is about time this sort of rubbish was removed from the shelves and society stand up and say, this is not good enough. I am not interested in someone’s freedom to buy a magazine; not only exploiting women but also advocating violence against women. I stood up for it in my ex-husband’s workshop (much to the men’s disgust) and had pornographic posters of women removed from the walls….I had 3 young children for goodness sake. This is rubbish and needs to be cleaned up…

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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