Suit Supply ad campaign uses larger-than-life sexual objectification of women

But the male CEO of the fashion label suggests the ads are sexist towards men - we're #notbuyingit 

Fashion label Suit Supply has a history of using sexist and objectifying images of women to promotes its menswear range. In an article published at the Huffington Post, CEO of Suit Supply, Fokke de Jong, denied that the ads are sexist towards women stating “if you want to read any form of sexism in here than it has to be towards men."

Images for the ad campaign depict "doll sized" men wedged between breasts and lips, pulling down bikini bottoms, tugging at zips and directing a stream of water from a hose into a woman's mouth. Scroll down to view campaign ad images.

Collective Shout’s Caitlin Roper disputed the idea that using larger than life images of women’s bodies as props to be manipulated or back drops for men’s recreation gives women “the upper hand." 

"The notion that this ad could be an example of 'reverse sexism' or sexism against men, as they've alleged, is naive at best," she told HuffPost UK.

"Sexism - social, political and economic inequality on a structural level - isn't something that can be counteracted by superimposing tiny men onto women's semi-naked bodies to sell menswear.

"It's no accident the women are hyper sexualised and posed in subordinate and ridiculous poses while the men are fully clothed, posed with dignity and strength."

Roper added that she's disappointed by the campaign, but not surprised by it, as Suit Supply has a "history of sexually exploitative advertising".

"They think they are being edgy and subversive but they are merely upholding the (sexist) status quo depicting women as passive sexual objects to sell clothing for men," she said.

"When companies feel the need to resort to such blatant sexism to flog their products you have to really question how little confidence they have in the quality of their products."

Read more at The Huffington Post.

Suit Supply's "Toy Boy" ad campaign 

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