Cotton On

Cotton On

Cotton on has a history of sexually objectification of women on men's apparel




Ad Standards Board dismisses complaints about Cotton On 'Brazilian' social media ads

The Ad Standards Board dismissed complaints against Cotton On's 'Brazilian' advertisements on social media. Read the case report below:

"A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you" - Cotton On removes degrading changeroom wallpaper

Cotton On has announced it will remove changeroom wallpaper which featured a message that reduced women to sexual objects. 

Cross'em off your Xmas list 2013

Corporate offenders of 2013 The festive season is here. You only need to look at the latest shopping centre catalogues, online stores and even your...

"Son you have big shoes to fill" Cotton On uses Hugh Hefner and Playboy for fathers day promotion

"Walked past this sign today in the Hobart Elizabeth Mall encouraging young men to look up to the degradation and objectification of women."

Typo withdraws porn themed products

Typo withdraws porn themed products

[UPDATED] But some items still appear on its website. Take Action.

Cross'em off your Xmas list 2011

Cross'em off your Xmas list 2011

Don't pay for Sexploitation this holiday season

Cotton On sells violence against women

Cotton On sells violence against women

As published at Melinda Tankard Reist See this t-shirt? Where do you think we found it? Some niche not well known store specializing in glamourised...

Retailers urged to cease the sale and distribution of 'porn t-shirts'

Retailers urged to cease the sale and distribution of 'porn t-shirts'

*Trigger Warning - violence against women, sexual assault*

Cranking out porn and violence against women - Krank clothing

Cranking out porn and violence against women - Krank clothing

A Collective Shout supporter was recently in a mall teeming with children and Christmas shoppers when she was confronted by Hustler T-shirts hanging at the...

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You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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